
News blog:
11.18.2024 We are grateful to once again announce that we are the recipient of a "Support for Organizations" grant from NYSCA. Thank you for recognizing the work that we do! Special thanks to NYSCA, Governor Hochul, and the Governor's Office.
04.28.2024 So excited to share news of our upcoming concert: An Ode to Music: Miolina at The Cell Theatre features 6 (!) new and recent works. Please join us on Friday, May 10, 2024 at 7pm at The Cell Theatre. Check out this post on Broadway World for more info. https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Miolina-Performs-Next-Month-at-the-Cell-Theatre-20240426
12.01.2023 We're happy to announce that we are the recipient of a NYSCA "Support for Artists" grant. The grant enables us to commission a new double violin concerto from composer Max Lifchitz.
​​10.02.2023 Miolina is so happy to announce the successful conclusion of the first ever Duologue Festival. Storm Ophelia and the state of emergency wreaked havoc on the second eve, but we were able to reschedule for two days later, albeit without one of the groups. Thanks SO much to Damsel, Duo Kayo, String Noise, & Bowers Fader Duo for their wonderful performances and hope to have Popebama next year. Stay tuned for photos on our website and check our Insta and fb for posts, as well!
11.03.2022 Miolina is excited to announce that we just received NYSCA awards for "Regrowth and Capacity" & "Support for Organizations." Thanks to NYSCA, NY State, & Gov Hochul and stay tuned for more programs in 2023!
10.29.2020 Happy Autumn, everyone! Still living in covid times... anyway, we just performed the Bach Double Violin Concerto, with Claudia Dumschat on organ for 8 audience members and one well-behaved canine music lover at The Church of the Transfiguration in Manhattan. First you can check out Mioi and Claudia performing one of the violin and continuo sonatas as well! Check out the fb video here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1677186872458461
07.04.18 We received this lovely review of our album from Jillian DeGroot at I CARE IF YOU LISTEN. Thank you!
"Sonic embodiment of personhood; aggressive and virtuosic prowess; thoughtfully crafted and beautifully executed; brilliance of sound, technical mastery, and stunning expressivity."
Miolina is honored to have been chosen as one of the 9 groups added to the Impact Fund Cohort, sponsored by New Music USA. Read about it here:

(70+ works for violin duo premiered by Miolina in the last 12 years)
* = world premiere
^ = US premiere
-Hesam Abedini: *Ghazaliyât No.1
-Aidan Arbona: *The Train to Euclid Avenue
-Kevin Arthur, Jr: *Crowded Thoughts
-JS Bach/arr. Fabrizio Ferrari: Toccata & Fugue
-Bela Bartok: Violin Duets
-The Beatles (John Lennon & Paul McCartney): Norwegian Wood
-Lynn Bechtold: Away/Home 1.2; *Funshallbehad (w/improvising musician); *Judy From Brooklyn; *Kaksi Kaksi, On the Rocks(y); La Dame Qui Boite 1.1; *Minnehaha Miniatures; No Kendo 1.1; Projet Imaginaire 1.4; The Red Camel 1.1; Shuffle Scuffle (w/flute)
-Eve Beglarian: *All Good Is Luck; Well-Spent
-Grant Beglarian: Duets in a Contemporary Style
-Luciano Berio: Violin Duets
-Luigi Boccherini: Duos
-Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges: Sonata No. 2 in E-flat Major
-Kenji Bunch: Three American Folk Hymn Settings
-Manu Chao/arr. Lynn Bechtold: *Minha Galera
-Samuel Coleridge-Taylor/arr.Bechtold: *Tears, a Lament
-Michael Coleman: *Rumination #1
-Valerie Coleman: *Migrations
-Dan Cooper: *Kit & Caboodle
-Eleanor Cory: *Elegy
-Camille De Beus: i'm going round in circles
-Andrew Raffo Dewar: *Madera Resonante
-Dorothee Eberhardt:*New York Sounds
-Jean-Baptiste Favory: *Unisono V
-Flower Cat (Melissa Grey & David Morneau): *Kirlian
-Folk/arr. Lynn Bechtold: *House of the Rising Sun
-Folk/arr. Aleksey Igudesman: Auld Lang Syne; Danny Boy; Duniye Ay
-Cecilia Franke: ^Iuxta
-Dai Fujikura: ^Twin Tweets
-Douglas Geers: *Teach Sum, Cheat Sum
-Orlando Gibbons: Six Fancies
-Mauro Godoy Villalobos: *El Solitario, Un Tango
-Monroe Golden: *Winona's Lesson
-Henryk Górecki: Sonata for Two Violins, Op. 10
-Judd Greenstein: ILL (w/marimba and drum kit)
-Melissa Grey: Appassionata for Angela Grauerholz; *Lateral Line: 3 Electric Fish; *Procrustean Bed
-Wendy Griffiths: Mutations
-Leigh Harline: When You Wish Upon a Star
-G. Blake Harrison-Lane: *Pathways
-Manuel Hernandez: Cables
-Joe Hisaishi/arr. Jared Starr: Merry Go Round of Life from "Howl's Moving Castle"
-Sara Holtzschue: For KB/Pogrom
-Arthur Honegger: Sonatine
-Holland Hopson: *A Long Line of Clouds Just Above the Trees; *Pull Down to New Orleans; *Purple Humidity; *Red Leg Salamander; *Squirrel Ride Tricycle (prior 4 pieces w/banjo); *Still Yet Already Again
-Mansoor Hosseini: *Seconds
-Ketil Hvoslef: ^Nordisk Kontrapunkt for feler og flasker
-Miyuki Ito: *Etoile Double (I)
-Takuma Itoh: Across the Open Sky (w/cello); *Stillness in the Mist
-Jesse Jones: Hymns & Ditties
-Yoshihiro Kanno: *Cat in a Box II
-Debra Kaye: Duet After Winter; Freedom Songs (w/soprano)
-Mari Kimura: Sarahal
-Viktor Kioulaphides: Duos; *Mostly Motown Concerto
-Sunny Knable: *Ten Views of Mount Fuji
-Veronika Krausas: Hopscotch Tarot (w/soprano)
-Mark Lackey: *Dyad
-Orlande de Lassus: Beatus vir qui in sapien morabitur
-Jean-Marie Leclair: Duos
-Alexa Letourneau: *Downtown Local 1
-Katarina Leyman: *Two Short Birthday Pieces for 2 Violins
-Max Lifchitz: *Five Impromptus
-Emma Logan: *A Certain Slant of Light
-Athos Maelstrom: *Q Train Exchange
-Paula af Malmborg Ward: broken bleak roe and choppy chanterelles
-Kyle McGucken:*Recitative & Aria for Jean Baudrillard
-Jessica Meyer: But Not Until
-Paul Miller (DJ Spooky): Goldberg Remixes (w/cello)
-Dary John Mizelle: Love Song (from Fossey)
-Akio Mokuno: *Stream
-Jessie Montgomery: Musings
-Beata Moon: A Silent Movie
-Brian C. Moon: Duetto con Bobik;*What Could Have Been, Was, or Will Be
-W.A. Mozart: Duo in B-flat Maj, Op. 70, #1; Der Spiegel Duet
-Jeff Myers: TAG for 2 Violins & Electronic Drone
-Angélica Negrón: They Swim Under My Bed (w 3rd violin and piano); Tres Insultos para Dos Violines
-Pauline Oliveros: Thirteen Changes for Malcolm Goldstein
-Albert Oppenheimer: Hues (w/cello)
-Isaac Otto: *Nycticorax
-Catharina Palmer: ^ Micro Mysteries
-Milica Paranosic: *HaydnBerg; *Scene for Miolina; Tiho Noci; *Twizz
-Martin Phelps: *Canvas In Progress; *Imaginary Canvas (w/various)
-Astor Piazzolla: Milonga del Ángel
-Ignace Pleyl: Duos
-Gene Pritsker: *Empty Bottles; Misfortune Has Its Uses; *Refugee Lament
-Sergei Prokofiev: Sonata for 2 Violins
-Tomi Räisänen: *Kiseki-no-Ippon-Matsu (The Miracle Pine Tree); No-Go
-Shruthi Rajasekar: Dagian à deux
-Jean-Philippe Rameau/arr. Jean-Pierre Guignon: Les Sauvages from Les Indes Galantes
-Naamia Rivera: *Nothing New
-Richard Rodgers: The Lonely Goatherd
-Ann Rosén: *Oversee/a
-Nino Rota: Tre Pezzi
-Elena Ruehr: Shukria
-Pauchi Sasaki/arr. Lynn Bechtold: *Music from Design is One|the Vignellis
-Ruth Crawford Seeger/arr. Gilbert Dejean: *Diaphonics #3
-Murphy Severtson: *Retain that Dear Perfection
-Dmitri Shostakovich: Five Pieces for 2 violins (w/piano)
-Alvin Singleton: Ishirini
-Geni Skendo: *Orange Prism
-John Andrew Stevenson: The Last Rose of Summer
-Hilary Tann: A Girl's Song to Her Mother
-Toru Takemitsu: Rocking Mirror Daybreak
-Karen Tanaka: Shibuya Tokyo
-Eric Tanguy: Sonate
-Fabio Turchetti: *Quadernos de Buenos Aires
-Ángel Villoldo: El Choclo
-Aleksandra Vrebalov: *Along With Youth (w/soprano); Soundshapes
-Ann Warren: *Qu'est-ce que je disais?
-Joseph Martin Waters: *Cali' Karsilama
-Judith Weir: Atlantic Drift
-Frank Wigglesworth: Trillium
-Rain Worthington: Night Stream, *In Tandem
-Yoshia Yasuda: *Nagare
-Nina C. Young: Sun Propeller
-Isang Yun: Sonatina
-Mark Zaki: *Vagabondage